Fujifilm a publié une mise a jour du firmware pour le GFX50S II en version: 2.12 (9 Juillet 2024)
GFX50S II Firmware update Version: 2.12
https://fujifilm-x.com/fr-fr/support/download/firmware/cameras/gfx50s-ii/Detail of the firmware update
The firmware update Ver.2.12 from Ver.2.11 incorporates the following issues:
1. When the GF50mm/GF35-70mm lens is attached to the camera body and the lens firmware is updated, in rare cases, "LENS ERROR" occurs during the firmware update and the lens stops moving. This revised firmware automatically quits the update to prevent the lens from malfunctioning when detecting the updating error.
Note-1:To enable the above fix, update the camera's firmware to the latest version before updating the lens firmware.
Note-2:The firmware download for GF50mmF3.5 R LM WR and GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 WR will be available after this firmware is released.
Note-3:For details, refer to the "FUJINON LENS GF50mmF3.5 R LM WR & GF35-70mmF4.5-5.6 WR firmware download resumption"
2. A firmware bug is fixed that the area settings in some regions are not automatically updated when connecting the camera to the "FUJIFILM XApp" to synchronize time.
Note:FUJIFILM XApp, Ver.2.0.3, for iOS & Android are now available
3. Image stabilization does not work in rare cases when shooting movies with GF45-100mmF4 R LM OIS WR attached.
4. A minor bug.